Examples Of My Artwork! :)

Hey everybody! 😀
Wow it has been so long since I posted anything! Well, my exams are over now and I’m free!! Woohooo!!~
So I thought I’d share with you my artwork! 🙂
My style is usually anime style so making a realistic face is kind of difficult for me… especially small ones! But I really enjoy making them as well!
It is nothing special but I like to draw and I really would like to show you all! 🙂
These are basic doodles and freestyle anime drawings!
Lemme know what you guys think! *Fingers crossed*





Well if you guys liked these… Let me know and if you want I can share some more with you all. 😀

Yay! Exams over!!! Woohoo!! 😀
I’m just super excited! 😀

~ Amrita!!☆☆