Get A Glowing Skin, Naturally! :)

My grandmother and my mother are experts when it comes to natural skin care techniques. It’s because of their persuation and continuous insistance that I had started using all the face masks they used to conjure up.
Honestly, I was surprised at the results and started making and using them on my own. Ever since I had stopped regular schooling, I was able to put healthy food in my stomach and it improved my mental and physical self. Both of my mothers now say, “I told you so!”
Getting a glowing skin certainly isn’t easy and it takes a considerable amount of time. Nowadays, with the busy schedule and work it is impossible for most. We all want quick results and that is where concealers and foundations come in. But when you come home and remove all the make-up, don’t you want to see healthy skin underneath?
What you put in is more important than what you put on.

So here are a few simple steps one must follow to achieve the skin of our dreams no matter how difficult it seems.

1) Drink plenty of water. This obviously is crucial. Drinking a lot of water flushes out toxins from your body.

2) Switch caffine and your regular tea with green tea. At first it will be very hard to get used to but the results are worth it.

3) Avoid too much junk food. That is what most people eat on a regular basis! Switch these with fresh salads and fruits. Instead of cold drinks, drink smoothies. They are fresh, delicious and easy to make! You can experiment with a bunch of new flavours and it is super healthy.

4) Never touch your face with dirty hands. The germs are transferred to your skin which leads to pimples. Always keep your hands clean.

5) Always wash your make-up before you go to bed and let your skin breathe at night. If the pores are clogged by make-up, they lead to pimples and other skin problems.

Try eating food like berries (high anti-oxidants), brown rice, guava, kiwi, papaya, oranges, pomegranates, walnuts, tomatoes, kale, pumpkin, bell peppers and many other fruits and vegetables.

There are a variety of natural face masks that I experimented with and found these the most effective. They are easy to make and with ingredients that are always available in your kitchen! 🙂

1) Almond face mask: Soak a few almonds in milk for a few hours then mash them in the milk. Apply the pulp on your face and keep it on over night then wash off with cold water.

2) Mix bananas, egg whites and curd and apply it on your face and body. Wash off after 20 minutes.

3) Take 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice, 2 tablespoon of watermelon juice, 1 teaspoon of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of milk powder and apply it on your face 15 minutes then wash off.

4) Take 3 twblespoon of milk, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric. Apply it on your face and let it dry. Wash off with cold water.

5) Take sun dried orange peels and grind them. Mix it with 2 tablespoon of yogurt and apply it on your face. Wash off after 20-30 minutes.

These five face packs are very effective and help you achieve a glowing skin. You can use it everyday or every other day.

I hope you guys liked this post and found it helpful. Make sure to do a patch test first. If you use any of these, please let me know about your experience with it. 😀

Thanks guys and I love you all!! 🙂

~You know who! 😉

Yeah… I’m not Voldemort! I really like Tom Riddle Jr. though! (Talking about Harry Potter series, in case you didn’t know)
I’m going to stop talking now! 😀
-Amrita!! 🙂