July Favourites!

Already August! :O
I feel like I blinked and July just went by! So much has happened! So many memories have been made. So much work has been done and so much has been accomplished! July ending means start of college for me! I am so happy with the subject I chose and I am looking forward to this 3 years bachelor degree! This July, my aunt was here with me and we had loads of fun. We went to so many new places, did my college shopping, ran around with my little cousin brother… Wow! July was just filled with various activities!!!

So without any more delay, here are the things which I have really enjoyed using this July!


These four nailpolishes stole my heart! Revlon, Sally Hansen and Jenna Hipp. Revlon’s 540 Checkmate and Jenna Hipp’s Ooh La Latte are more or less the same but Checkmate is lighter. These two are beautiful nudes and I love nudes! Revlon’s 460 Hold ‘Em is a new shade of mauve which I saw and I had to use it and it was instant love! 270 Lacey Lilac was another shade that I loved.


Gold, Silver, Deep Blue and Shimmery Green were the colours I loved using this July! Quirky and Fun!! πŸ˜€


Neutrogena’s make-up removing cleansing napkins are just so effective! They instantly remove the make-up and moisturize your skin. I loved it!


For lip care, these two did their job wonderfully! Not only did they keep my lips soft and supple they added wondeful glossy colours as well and the flavours were yum! β™‘


There is a theme going on here as you can see! πŸ˜€
Revlon and nudesssss!! πŸ˜€
Lakme Absolute’s nude lip gloss and Revlon’s perfect nude shade ruled my July! And when I wanted a little colour, that gorgeous pink was there to add some drama! πŸ˜€


Hair and Skin Care: I have extremely sensitive skin so I have to do multiple patch tests before I can start using a new product. LakmΓ© Perfect radiance was a brilliant everyday face cream for me as it has SPF and a matte finish which is what I generally look for in my skin products. In India if you are travelling everyday in summer, you need a REALLY STRONG sunscreen. I found my protector! πŸ™‚
Banana Boat Kids SPF 50! My cousin brother plays outdoors alot and my aunt sometimes makes him wear this sunscreen. She knew the trouble I was having, looking for THE sunscreen that can stand the extreme heat and she gave me this. WOW! I am never changing this! Not only is this long lasting but it also suits my skin type! I am in love with product!!
Frizz Ease Secret Weapon kept my frizz at bay and added bounce to my hair. I didnt have to use any curling tongs, I just used my fingers and voilΓ‘ I had lovely messy curls bouncing away! I love you Frizz Ease! What would I do without you!! πŸ™‚

Lastly, besides usual cosmetics and skin care products, the only other things I have loved using this July are these…


Lol! I love collecting pens! These were just so cute!! I bought some, used some and saved some for college use!! They are so pretty and cute!! β™‘β™‘β™‘
That butterfly book mark is going to look so pretty with my books and on my table!! Hahaha πŸ˜€ This was so out of the blue! πŸ™‚

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

-Amrita! πŸ™‚

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