Beauty Pamper Day! ♡

As the week ends and weekend comes, I can’t help but think about soaking my feet in a warm tub of water, massaging my head with hot oil, take a nice long shower and just listen to my favourite music while painting my nails.(^///^) Yep, I can’t wait for a beauty pamper day. So this sunday after I woke up really late, I was determined to just spend my day pampering myself. I think everybody should pamper themselves atleast once a week.
So I just started off by making myself a nice, hot cup of green tea and gently massaged my forehead with my knuckles. It so comforting and it relaxes your tense muscles and lets them take a breath. After breakfast, which usually consists of sweet fruits and berries, I then make myself a face mask using ground rice, egg white, tumeric and a generous squeeze of lemon. (I love using lemons on my skin, I try adding lemons in all my face masks as it helps remove pimples and brightenes my skin) After applying my face mask, I take some organic oil (You can use any oil like Olive oil, coconut oil etc.) and warm it up. I then soak my fingers in it. My favourite way of manicure.


I soak it in the oil for about 10 minutes and then quickly put on some gloves so that my hands can absorb the warm oil. While the oil and face mask is working its magic, I then move on to my feet! I take some warm water in a bucket and add some of Soulflower’s Lavender Bath Salts in it.


I will then soak my feet in it for some time. It goes deep into my skin and leaves it soft and smooth.
Now time for the body!
I use the left-over oil from my manicure and apply it all over my body and let it soak the oil up and absorb all the nutrients. I massage my body all over, relieving my muscles which help improve my blood circulation. (^_^)
Now my hot shower! Finally! The warm water feels so good and it makes me so happy! ♡
Shower done!! (Probably after finishing all the water in world) (>_>)
Slipping on my pajamas, I move on to moisturizing and use a good calamine lotion on my face which cools my skin after using that face pack. I then moisturize my body using my favourite cream from Marks & Spencers called Blissful Strawberry.


The fragrance is of strawberries and cream which is absolutely sublime! It lingers for a long time and moisturizes wonderfully. I use it on my feet and hands as well. I then buff my nails and paint them. I brush my hair and leave it open, allowing it to breathe. Then I just drop down on my bed, start playing some K-POP music (I LOVE K-POP! SHINee is my favourite band 😀 )and then just read magazines, travel around in instagram and facebook world and read a few blog posts! 🙂
The day usually passes by like this with me lazing around the house or trying to copy those super hard dance moves from K-POP!!

So there you have it folks!! 😀
I hope you enjoyed reading it!! 🙂
Do you have beauty pamper days? What do you do? I would love to know!!! 😀

Smile and Shine!!!

Amrita!! 🙂