June Favourites 2016

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Hello July! 😀

Honestly guys, where is the time going? With every passing month, I am growing anxious as my first year college exams are nearing! Which is also the reason why my blogging has been slow last month. June however seemed to be extra hectic and challenging as I was faced with various practical, theory and viva exams but I came out with flying colours. I did try out several new products throughout June. Some I loved, some… not so much.:/

I had an idea guys, just as I do these monthly favourites, would you like me to do a monthly “not-so-favs”? Obviously I will try to come up with a better title than that! 😀

So let’s jump in and talk about the products I loved using this month, shall we? 🙂

Colorbar Perfect Pout Gloss: Before I talk about this product, I would like to talk about the brand; Colorbar. I have used some of their products and they are pretty good but I must say I have never heard any YouTuber or Blogger from USA talk about it. It says that it is a product of USA but do you guys get it there? Do let me know! I have been so curious about it. 😦 I am sure most of you are well aware of my lipstick addiction by now :/ I do tend to steer towards matte lipsticks instead of gloss but the shade was just too irresistible. I have it in the shade SNEAKY which is a light peachy pinky nude. The texture is creamy but not thick, it is not runny either, it is just right to coat the lips. The colour is just perfect for the summer time. I will do a more detailed review of this product or of this brand and it’s other products if you all are interested. Please let me know in the comments 🙂


Lakme Absolute Plump and Shine: I have talked about Lakme before and so many of you asked me if it was available in USA or UK but sadly my lovelies, it is only available in India. I really think they should start shipping it abroad as their products are absolutely amazing! It is one of the oldest makeup brands in India and many people swear by them. This shade is one of my favourite nude lip glosses of all time. It is called Beige Shine and it is a gorgeous nude with golden, pink & purple shimmer in it. The shades adds a luxurious shine to the lips and just a hint of pink colour. I was reaching for this gloss almost everyday and I am definitely going to repurchase it when I run out.

Makeup Revolution Iconic Dreams Palette: The moment I saw this paette, it was love at first sight for me. I have also posted a detailed review on it and you can check it out HERE. I used this palette everyday and I created so many looks with it. I really enjoy playing and experimenting with eye shadows. I am planning on purchasing a few more palettes from them soon 🙂 You can follow me on Instagram to get the early updates! I’d love for your support! 🙂


Maybelline Super Stay Gel Nail Colour in SURREAL: When it comes to nail polishes, I find like I go through phases with them. They are very unexpected and very weird if I say so myself! 😀 I will wear nothing but pastels for weeks then I need darker shades on my nails immediately! Weird isn’t it? Throughout June, I developed an obsession with blues and purples which led me to Surreal and I still have a fresh coat of it on my nails! It is beautiful, it is such a unique colour. I never had a colour like this before. Surreal is a periwinkle blue or a pretty lavender-blue shade. I think it has the power to make any outfit summery and vibrant. It is a very crisp and a refreshing colour.


Maybelline Color Show in Blazing Blue: It is an intense royal blue shade and it is sensational. Considering the price, the Color Show range always have gorgeous colours and remarkable qualities. They are perfect for all age groups and are affordable as well! It is a bright colour and looks amazing in summer. You should definitely give this shade a try!

April Touch Of Love Lotion (Blackberry and Lilac scented): I have a thing for fruity fragrances as most of you already know and so my falling in love with this lotion surely doesn’t come as a surprise! 😛 It has a mixture of fruity and floral fragrance, as already mentioned. It is very light weight, absorbs quickly and leaves behind a soft, sweet refreshing scent. My arms get very dry throughout the day so I always need to carry a moisturizer with me. I do not like to use heavy creams or lotions during summer so I opt for water based ones and this lotion from April is one of them! 🙂


So I want to talk about all the things that I loved using last month but I fear you all will be stuck here for ages if I did that! I do however want to talk about other things besides beauty that I loved in June. Movies! I love watching movies, guys! So I thought I would share with you movies that I loved watching in June! (PS: How about I incorporate movies I did not like in my Not-So-Favs post? Just a thought, let me know if you all like the idea at all 😛 )

ZOOTOPIA: Even thought it was released in February, I didn’t get a chance to see it till last month. Shocking I know as I live for animated movies! The movie was hilarious! Nick and Judy stole my heart! (Nick in particular with his sly smirks and mischievous eyes!) I won’t give you any spoilers but if you haven’t watched it, I suggest you grab a big of popcorn and lock yourself in a room with the movie for 1 hour 50 minutes!


X-MEN APOLCALYPSE: Being a big fan of X-Men, I had to run and watch the movie. I had been waiting for it for so long! I really liked it thought a few scenes and a few characters seemed boring. But the ONE scene I did love in the entire movie was when… (SPOILER ALERT) the Phoenix made an appearance! Jean Grey/Phoenix is my favourite mutant/god entity.


I practically jumped out of my seat and started yelling when I saw it manifest itself. Sophie Turner portrayed Jean marvelously and I hope the directors re-shoot the Phoenix saga as I absolutely disliked how it was made in the 2006 version. Here’s hoping they don’t kill her!


FINDING DORY: So glad they made a sequel to Finding Nemo! It was a such a fun movie, full of life! The new characters were absolutely adorable! It will be a great movie to watch with your family! Zootopia as well!


Clearly this post is way longer than it needs to be isn’t it? 😀 But I do hope you enjoyed reading it! I would like to tell you guys that I won’t be able to posts as often as I used to because of my studies. This is my first year of college and I need to get really good grades. Even thought the exams are in December, I know, I know you must be thinking, exams in December but you are slowing down now? The reason is that I have taken up distance education which means I have to do my entire college studies on my own without the help of a teacher so it is a huge pressure, my friends and I have been reading, making notes and just focusing on my studies from the earliest possible to get the highest marks. That will ensure a better future for me. I will be posting, I am not leaving completely, just not that often. I hope you will bear with me for the time being! 🙂

Let me know if you liked my idea on “Monthly Not-So-Faves” in the comments! How was your June? I hope you have a bright, happy and lively summer! Every feedback I get form you guys is treasured and much appreciated! 🙂


And before you say goodbye to my blog today, don’t forget to follow me on my new Twitter and on my not so new Instagram!😀

Join my wonderful S&S family and I will see you guys soon!!



August Favourites

Happy September Everyone! 🙂

As a new month starts, we all look back and remember those wonderful memories we made in the previous month. Places we went to, things we ate, people we met and the things we purchased. For us beauty addicts, the first thing we remember are our monthly beauty favourites. This is the first thing that comes to mind, doesn’t it? The products we purchased, used and loved. Products which helped our skin and hair, making us look gorgeous throughout the month and make us feel good about ourselves. Products which helped us remain confident throughout the day, making us grin madly because we knew we looked awesome. Everybody has a list of their own favourites, like myself. I would like to share mine with all of you!


So here are my August Favourites!

First thing which I loved is this deodorant! (Say what?!)


Hey deodorants are important, especially if you live in a humid country and you have to go out every day for hours. This is Nivea Energy Fresh Energetic Freshness in Lemongrass. I think this is a new one because I have only used white bottle ones and this one is light blue. I loved using this because the smell is so strong but so refreshing and breezy at the same time. It is the smell you get at seaside and I am addicted to those kind of fragrances. It is long lasting and I don’t have to worry about reapplication. I love it and I really recommend this to those who are looking for a long lasting deodorant.

Secondly, a conditioner.


This is Dove Hair Therapy Nutritive Solutions Daily Treatment conditioner with revolutionary vita oils. My hair had become very dry ever since I bleached it. I was going through a phase where I wanted everything to be red, even my hair! So the parlour lady said that since I have heavy pigmented brown-black hair, the red colour would not be visible if I go for normal colouring. I knew bleaching was bad but I wanted red hair and I was curious, so I had my hair partly bleached and red coloured. You all should have seen my dad’s reaction. He thought my head was bleeding. Yeah. *Awkward silence and cricket’s cry*
Anyhoooo!! The red colour is gone now and is replaced by a beautiful shade of gold and it’s so pretty! So this experimenting had made my hair dry and I used a lot of natural hair masks and it improved but this conditioner did the ultimate magic. It makes my hair so silky and smooth that I just keep on touching it. The smell is fruity and flowery and it lingers for a long time. Sometimes, when I am studying, I pull my hair in front of my nose and sniff on the fragrance! (Stop looking at me like that, guys! Like you haven’t done that before! 😀 )

Thirdly, a tinted cream. This was my first time using a tinted cream and this one is called CC (Complexion Care) Cream by Lakmé.


My mother recommended this because she uses it herself. I was a bit skeptical at first since I have sensitive skin and I am a bit paranoid about using new products as my skin experiences breakouts easily. But what kind of a beauty blogger does that make me? Afraid to use new products? I am trying to over-come that fear by using more new products now. It’s a start. Thankfully, after using this CC Cream, my skin didn’t breakout into rashes or pimples and I have been using this everyday. I finished one, this is a new one. The coverage is medium and I use a compact powder on top of it. It’s matte but it doesn’t make my skin dry, a plus point for me! Has SPF 20, double plus! I like it a lot as you can say because I just repurchased.

What do we have next? Aha! Make-Up Forever High Definition Powder.


Honestly, I don’t know why I am using this but I like it. It gives a very nice finishing touch after I am done with my make-up. It makes my skin’s surface smooth and silky. I use it because I like the feel of it. Have any of you used it? Let me know your thoughts on it, I am quite curious about this product.

Next, lip products! *Trumpet sound* Lip products are a favourite!


Firstly, Maybelline New York Lip Polish POP 6. Very light and watery at first then it seeps into the skin and stays there for HOURS!! The colour is rich and deep, it is a beautiful shade of red. Everybody loves red! 🙂
Then there is Bourjois Rogue Edition 04 Rose Tweed lipstick. It can pass of as a nude as the colour is rosy pink, mixed with plum. I use one layer of it because if I build too much, it becomes sheer and I prefer matte. It is good for everyday use when you don’t feel like wearing deep, dark colours. I liked the texture, quite creamy and smooth and glides beautifully on the lips.

Last but definitely not the least, nail polishes. All three of them are from Maybelline New York.


406 Tangerine Treat, is a bright, quirky colour which goes with many outfits and is a lovely shade of Tangerine. I used this a lot and now my friends want to steal it! Next is 608 Bling On The Blue is from the Glitter Mania collection and it is full of glitter. Hard and solid glitter. Dries quickly and yet again I have to hide the bottle from my friends. Lastly, the heaven sent one! 803 Pop-goes-my-Heart, it is a graffiti nail polish which has big white hearts and small red and white polka dots as a side and everything is mixes in a transparent liquid. It is absolutely beautiful! It takes time to dry but it lasts for a long time! 🙂

That’s all folks! *Eats carrots*
Love Bugs Bunny! Miss you Bugs Bunny!

I hope you enjoyed reading this article!

Have a wonderful day!
~Amrita! 🙂

July Favourites!

Already August! :O
I feel like I blinked and July just went by! So much has happened! So many memories have been made. So much work has been done and so much has been accomplished! July ending means start of college for me! I am so happy with the subject I chose and I am looking forward to this 3 years bachelor degree! This July, my aunt was here with me and we had loads of fun. We went to so many new places, did my college shopping, ran around with my little cousin brother… Wow! July was just filled with various activities!!!

So without any more delay, here are the things which I have really enjoyed using this July!


These four nailpolishes stole my heart! Revlon, Sally Hansen and Jenna Hipp. Revlon’s 540 Checkmate and Jenna Hipp’s Ooh La Latte are more or less the same but Checkmate is lighter. These two are beautiful nudes and I love nudes! Revlon’s 460 Hold ‘Em is a new shade of mauve which I saw and I had to use it and it was instant love! 270 Lacey Lilac was another shade that I loved.


Gold, Silver, Deep Blue and Shimmery Green were the colours I loved using this July! Quirky and Fun!! 😀


Neutrogena’s make-up removing cleansing napkins are just so effective! They instantly remove the make-up and moisturize your skin. I loved it!


For lip care, these two did their job wonderfully! Not only did they keep my lips soft and supple they added wondeful glossy colours as well and the flavours were yum! ♡


There is a theme going on here as you can see! 😀
Revlon and nudesssss!! 😀
Lakme Absolute’s nude lip gloss and Revlon’s perfect nude shade ruled my July! And when I wanted a little colour, that gorgeous pink was there to add some drama! 😀


Hair and Skin Care: I have extremely sensitive skin so I have to do multiple patch tests before I can start using a new product. Lakmé Perfect radiance was a brilliant everyday face cream for me as it has SPF and a matte finish which is what I generally look for in my skin products. In India if you are travelling everyday in summer, you need a REALLY STRONG sunscreen. I found my protector! 🙂
Banana Boat Kids SPF 50! My cousin brother plays outdoors alot and my aunt sometimes makes him wear this sunscreen. She knew the trouble I was having, looking for THE sunscreen that can stand the extreme heat and she gave me this. WOW! I am never changing this! Not only is this long lasting but it also suits my skin type! I am in love with product!!
Frizz Ease Secret Weapon kept my frizz at bay and added bounce to my hair. I didnt have to use any curling tongs, I just used my fingers and voilá I had lovely messy curls bouncing away! I love you Frizz Ease! What would I do without you!! 🙂

Lastly, besides usual cosmetics and skin care products, the only other things I have loved using this July are these…


Lol! I love collecting pens! These were just so cute!! I bought some, used some and saved some for college use!! They are so pretty and cute!! ♡♡♡
That butterfly book mark is going to look so pretty with my books and on my table!! Hahaha 😀 This was so out of the blue! 🙂

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

-Amrita! 🙂