New Year Life Update! Resolutions and Goals!



It’s 2016 now so goodbye 2015! Thank you for such wonderful memories!! Now please go and join 2014!! 😀

With every New Year, comes new goals and resolutions, which most of us abandon by the end of first week of January! 😛 I did that every year! How many of you did the same? 😛

2015 brought some wonderful things for me. I opened up this blog in April and reached my first 1000 by November. I know compared to those bloggers out there with millions of followers it’s just peanuts but hey! Everyone had started one day with 1000 incredible subscribers, right? 🙂

Also in 2015, I finished my school years and started college! That was a big moment of excitement for me. I eagerly waited for my college years and now that they have arrived, I miss my high school years! :/ Don’t we all? 😀 I changed my room’s appearance and made it look more mature, you know by spreading my make-up everywhere! 😀 (Tee-Hee-Hee!)

On Christmas day, my sister left for America to start her University. It happened really quickly. She got her visa and in 2 weeks time, she was gone. On Christmas day! 😛 I miss her. We talk regularly though. Strange, it hasn’t really sunk in yet, that she is gone. I guess that is natural!

I was very excited to start my college life in another city but I couldn’t leave home as I realised that I wanted to stay with my mother a little longer. I grew extremely attached to her during my home schooling period and the thought of leaving her so suddenly seemed wrong as she too seemed very sad and broken about the idea. Instead, I decided to study in correspondence, just like home schooling and on side I took graphic designing courses. Planning to start language classes/courses soon.

So for me, my goals and resolutions for New Year are pretty simple!

Ø  Start exploring various options to broaden your horizon.

Ø  Try out every new thing.

Ø  Be more active!

Ø  Eat healthier! (I ate way too many chips in 2015! Why do they have to be so crunchy and yummy? 😦 )

Ø  Be more organized and efficient! (Already started there! You should see my room! Cleaner than ever!)

Ø  Control shopping urges!

Ø  Save as much as possible!

Ø  Be informed at all times!

Ø  Start language courses!

Ø  Pass my first year college exam with flying colours!

Ø  Same for my graphic designing!

Ø  Work on my drawing!

Ø  Enjoy nature!

Ø  Be kind to the poor, old people and the dogs and puppies on the road.

Ø  Lastly, Start the new blog.

Now regarding my blog, I know I told you guys I would start it in 2016 but alas, I cannot. Trust me, no one is more annoyed than I am. Everything was ready but my parents object. With sister gone, the whole blog will be mine and I was taking the pressure too light heartedly. My parents say that I am rushing things too much. I need to focus on my 1st major college exam which is just a few months away.

I agree with them because I have way too many subjects. Since I was going to be studying from home, I decided to take on various subjects to diversify my options in future. I haven’t started studying yet and it has been worrying my parents and me. I obviously am not abandoning the idea! Hell no! I am way to deep in it and there is nothing I want to do more than blog. I will be posting here regularly no doubt so no worries you guys still have to put up with me! 😀 (Tee-Hee-Hee)


Also I opened my Instagram account a week or two before! You can catch me there as well!! 🙂

Sukanya Mukherjee- Sukanya_mjee

I hope you all are having fun with your loved ones close to you! If you have resolutions, make sure your 1st resolution is “Actually try and follow my resolutions!”:P Here is to our new year and our new adventures and journey!

Welcome 2016! 🙂

2015 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,900 times in 2015. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.