My Top 5 Maybelline Lipsticks


Hey Guys,

If you have been reading my blog articles for some time now, you will know that I have a major crush on Maybelline and their products. My first ever make-up items came from Maybelline and I have been hooked to them since. I think Maybelline is one of the best drugstore brand there is and their collection and range of make-up is incredible. I love the fact that I can purchase so many of their items as they are so affordable but that did not affect the quality of their products. The drugstore brands are coming out high and mighty with their spectacular launches and affordable prices. I think that is just lovely as you don’t have to spend hundred or thousands of dollars or rupees behind one product.

Now you know me… I go weak in the knees when it comes to 3 items: Eye shadows, Perfumes and obviously Lipsticks. Most of my lipsticks are from Maybelline and there are just so many colours and types to choose from. So I was going through them and picked out 5 shades I could never do without. I would definitely go back for them when they are finished.


So let’s jump in, shall we? 🙂

No. 1- Touch of Spice:

OH. MY. GOD. The shade is just so lovely. It is a very deep terracotta with plum undertone in it. I love the fact that it is neither too purple nor too brown. I think this shade looks incredible with a brown smokey eye and is perfect for fall season. Just like the range suggests, “Color Sensational Creamy Matte”, it is truly that. The texture feels like butter on the lips but gives such a beautiful matte finish. The creamy texture of the lipstick doesn’t allow the lips to go dry. In fact it still feels creamy after several hours but looks matte. It is so pigmented, one swipe is all you need and it doesn’t tug on the lips either. Super clean and quick application. Have you tried this lipstick? 🙂

No. 2-  Nude Nuance:

This is also from the Color Sensational Creamy Matte range and the pigmentation and texture is just like Touch of Spice. However, I have to be careful while applying this as it is so soft it tends to crumble and break if I apply it with too much pressure. The shade is a slightly muted, medium-dark brown with hints of warm orange in it. It provided good coverage that went on evenly and smoothly. This shade had one of the more matte finishes and the color stayed on me for five-six hours and was neither drying nor hydrating.


No. 3- Summer Sunset: The shade is a very toned down red, more of a slight red with hint of dark rose pink and a little brown with medium intensity of coppery-red in it. This is perfect for day time and is not matte. It is actually quite creamy and gives the lips a bit of a shine. Personally, I tend to stick with mattes but the shade was EXACTLY like sunset. You know when during sunset there is like several warm shades in the sky? I can pin point and tell you which one this shade is from there. It is so lovely and looks incredible during night and day.

No. 4- MAT 4: This lipstick is a bright coral red colour which is very attractive and I usually wear reds on festivities or weddings. This claims to be matte (Bold Matte as it says) but is not, it has a velvety creamy texture and appears shiny on the lips. 2 coats of this is enough to achieve to rich vibrant colour. It is very pigmented and has a decent staying power.


No. 5: MAT 1: If you read my post, Favourite Lipsticks: Reds and Pinks then you have seen this shade there. It is an attractive neon-pink shade which immediately brightens up the face without the help of any other make-up. It is matte and can tug a little on the lips and dry it out but the colour is just so delicious! It is one of my favourite pinks and can be worn during day and night.

How many of these shades do you have?

Do let me know about your favourite Maybelline lippies! 🙂

Here are the swatches of the lipsticks:


I hope you guys liked this post. I would love to hear about your opinions on Maybelline products and your favourite Maybelline lipsticks 🙂

Please follow if you aren’t already and I’ll see you guys soon, bye! 🙂

Favourite Lipsticks: Reds and Pinks!

Hello everybody!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Today I thought I would talk about my favourite pink and red lipsticks. If you have been reading my blog posts for some time now, you will know that I am a big lover of lipsticks. Lipsticks are the one thing I cannot live without. Pinks and reds are my personal favourites and I have several of them in various shades. So I was just going through them yesterday, picking out the recent buys and the older ones when I realized that there are 6 shades in my collection which are my absolute favourites.

So I decided I would share it with you guys! So if you’d like to know more about my favourites, then keep on reading!

No. 1: Chanel Rouge Allure in #14 Passion-


This was a present from my mum on my 18th birthday and it tops my list! This is the only Chanel lipstick I have and as you can already imagine, it is very special to me. It a classic scarlet red which reminds me of the lipstick Vivien Leigh wore in her portrayal as Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With The Wind.


I also love its packaging; a golden body enclosed in a black tube. I love the way it opens, by pushing at the golden base. As you can say from the pictures, I wore it a lot! I literally wore it for an entire year! I was so in love with it.

Vivien Leigh Picture Source


No. 2: Lakme Absolute Lip Tint Matte in Pink Fantasy-

This shade of lipstick is actually quite common and I have a few more of these from other brands. This shade is very easily available and from various brands. It is a pretty pink shade and it has medium to full coverage. It is very lightweight and matte. You know mamma loves matte lipsticks! 😉 For me one swipe is good enough to get that perfect shade and I love wearing it.

No. 3: The Body Shop #125-

This is a very recent purchase but since it made it to the top 3, I guess you can pretty much assume how lovely it is! If you read my previous post on The Body Shop Hand Creams, you know how much I love The Body Shop and when I saw this shade in the store, I knew I had to get it and I did. It is a brick red shade and it provides medium to buildable colour. Since I tend to stick with neutral eye shadow shades, I amplify the look with dark lip colours. The colour really suits me and if you love brick red shades, do give it a try!


No. 4: Lakme Absolute Lip Tint Matte in Magenta Magic-

3 out of 6 lipsticks here are from Lakme and that is because I have been very much in love with the brand for the past couple of months. Lakme is a very old cosmetics company in India and my mum always uses their products. I didn’t use their products much before but after I tried on their CC cream and found it amazing, I explored some of their products and I loved it. Their products are very good and so pigmented. Magenta Magic is a whole lot darker than Pink Fantasy and has a good squeeze of dark pinks and purples in it. Pink Fantasy is a lot lighter than it.


No. 5: Lakme Absolute Matte in Classic Rose-

I saw my mum using this colour and I was like, “Ooo! That is a pretty shade, what is it?” and she replied, “Oh you know Classic Rose from Lakme. You got it for me, don’t you remember?” and I could swear I heard a cricket cry as I stared blankly at her. I had completely forgotten about and the shade. And when I saw it I was like, “Yep, I need to go and get one for myself!” It is a very dark brownish red shade which is so lightweight and absolutely matte! Angels go AAAHHHHH!!! Well… I went AAAHHHH!!! It is perfect for the evenings or for festivities. I love it so darn much!

No. 6: Maybelline Bold Matte by Colorsensational in MAT 1-

It is a very bright neon pink shade and it is such a fun colour! Sometimes I just pop this in my lips and it immediately brightens up the face. I don’t even require additional makeup items to accompany this shade. Just a light swipe of this shade on my lips and I am good to go! It is matte and can be a little drying which is why I always hydrate and moisturize my lips with a lip balm before applying this.


So there you go! I hope you liked my post on my top red and pink lipsticks! Do let me know if you have any other suggestions on lipstick shades or if you have used any of the above or similar ones!

Have a wonderful day and I’ll see you guys soon!


December Favourites!

Hello Everybody!

How is the new year going so far? Well I hope! 🙂

My new year so far has been marvelous! If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen the pictures of me hanging out and enjoying the new year cold! Sadly, the winter season is almost over here and it is quite sad as it is just January! Which is why I took the opportunity to go out more and enjoy the cold chills before the winter ends.

However, I have an exam in a few days!! That is actually the reason why I had not posted my Monthly Favourites post earlier. Usually I have it up in my blog by the 4th of every month but I was a little busy these past few days.

December had been the best month for me in 2015 because so much happened! If you read my latest post, “New Year Goals and Resolution”, you probably know what I am talking about. My sister left for the US and I have been lonely ever since! However, I am so happy for her! My best friend’s birthday was in December and I had so much fun last month! Winter is my favourite season and that is usually when I like to hang out more and wear amazing winter clothes!

I know you all came to read about my December Favourites so I will stop my ramblings and get right to it! 🙂



I will start with make-up items first so, the 2 lipsticks I absolutely loved using in December are Lady Bug from M.A.C. and Saucy Mauve from L’Oreal Paris. The consistency of of these lipsticks are just fantastic! They are so rich and creamy. I used Saucy Mauve pretty much everyday as it imparted such a lovely shade of pinky mauve which looked very natural and it hydrated my lips so much! I don’t really possess many red lipsticks but I really wanted a new one this year so I got the Lady Bug from MAC and wore it during the whole Christmas and New Year time period. Oh my goodness, it was heavenly! It was so creamy on the lips and smelled like cookies and cream! I loved using it so very much!


There are 2 nail polishes that I became obsessed with and they are Bling Thing from Maybelline Color Show Gold Digger Collection and Fresh Maker from Jenna Hipp. The Gold Digger Collection was newly launched in India last month and being the Maybelline lover that I am, I had to pick it up! It had a very festive vibe and I wore it during Christmas and New Year. Usually I steered clear from minty colours but when I applied the Fresh Maker I just fell in love with it! It is such a beautiful bright minty green colour! I would highly recommend it to everyone!


Lets’s move on to hair products!

How cute are these ribbon clips?

How cute are they?

They killed me with their cuteness!

I wore them every single day! These clips are just so adorable and perfect for the festive season! I can’t get enough of them!


I used the Garnier Oil-In-Cream twice and I think it’s pretty good! If you are running late and your hair looks horrible and in desperate need of oiling or moisture, I think this might help. (It is not a styling cream. You have to wash it off with shampoo) I am not exactly a big fan of this product but it helped me in time of need so… yeah…


I’d like to mention a book. It’s called Live Organic and it is by Lynn Huggins-Cooper. I learnt so much from this! It has topics such as, Mindful Eating, Vegetable Vitality, Dreadful Deodorants, Herbal Heaven, Organic Dairy Products and several others! It is so informative and eye opening. I’d really ask you guys to grab a copy of it! You wont regret it!


And do you see that little notebook with owls and other birds on a colourful tree? Yeah, I am a sucker for everything cute! I had to mention that absolutely pretty notebook! I love it so sooo much!!

And now (FINALLY!!) let’s talk about chocoloates!

Christmas and New Year is not special unless you have chocolates! Usually if I have chocolates, I will have a few squares or a few bites but the moment I bit into Cadbury Bubbly, I knew I was not going to be satisfied with just few bites. This is my 3rd pack, I believe! And the Biscotti has always been a favourite but it tasted even more delicious that time of year!




There you go folks! My December favourites! Hope you enjoyed it!

You can follow me on Instagram! (For unpopular pictures! 😛 ) Link is below the picture!




Bye! Have a wonderful day ahead!



New Year Life Update! Resolutions and Goals!



It’s 2016 now so goodbye 2015! Thank you for such wonderful memories!! Now please go and join 2014!! 😀

With every New Year, comes new goals and resolutions, which most of us abandon by the end of first week of January! 😛 I did that every year! How many of you did the same? 😛

2015 brought some wonderful things for me. I opened up this blog in April and reached my first 1000 by November. I know compared to those bloggers out there with millions of followers it’s just peanuts but hey! Everyone had started one day with 1000 incredible subscribers, right? 🙂

Also in 2015, I finished my school years and started college! That was a big moment of excitement for me. I eagerly waited for my college years and now that they have arrived, I miss my high school years! :/ Don’t we all? 😀 I changed my room’s appearance and made it look more mature, you know by spreading my make-up everywhere! 😀 (Tee-Hee-Hee!)

On Christmas day, my sister left for America to start her University. It happened really quickly. She got her visa and in 2 weeks time, she was gone. On Christmas day! 😛 I miss her. We talk regularly though. Strange, it hasn’t really sunk in yet, that she is gone. I guess that is natural!

I was very excited to start my college life in another city but I couldn’t leave home as I realised that I wanted to stay with my mother a little longer. I grew extremely attached to her during my home schooling period and the thought of leaving her so suddenly seemed wrong as she too seemed very sad and broken about the idea. Instead, I decided to study in correspondence, just like home schooling and on side I took graphic designing courses. Planning to start language classes/courses soon.

So for me, my goals and resolutions for New Year are pretty simple!

Ø  Start exploring various options to broaden your horizon.

Ø  Try out every new thing.

Ø  Be more active!

Ø  Eat healthier! (I ate way too many chips in 2015! Why do they have to be so crunchy and yummy? 😦 )

Ø  Be more organized and efficient! (Already started there! You should see my room! Cleaner than ever!)

Ø  Control shopping urges!

Ø  Save as much as possible!

Ø  Be informed at all times!

Ø  Start language courses!

Ø  Pass my first year college exam with flying colours!

Ø  Same for my graphic designing!

Ø  Work on my drawing!

Ø  Enjoy nature!

Ø  Be kind to the poor, old people and the dogs and puppies on the road.

Ø  Lastly, Start the new blog.

Now regarding my blog, I know I told you guys I would start it in 2016 but alas, I cannot. Trust me, no one is more annoyed than I am. Everything was ready but my parents object. With sister gone, the whole blog will be mine and I was taking the pressure too light heartedly. My parents say that I am rushing things too much. I need to focus on my 1st major college exam which is just a few months away.

I agree with them because I have way too many subjects. Since I was going to be studying from home, I decided to take on various subjects to diversify my options in future. I haven’t started studying yet and it has been worrying my parents and me. I obviously am not abandoning the idea! Hell no! I am way to deep in it and there is nothing I want to do more than blog. I will be posting here regularly no doubt so no worries you guys still have to put up with me! 😀 (Tee-Hee-Hee)


Also I opened my Instagram account a week or two before! You can catch me there as well!! 🙂

Sukanya Mukherjee- Sukanya_mjee

I hope you all are having fun with your loved ones close to you! If you have resolutions, make sure your 1st resolution is “Actually try and follow my resolutions!”:P Here is to our new year and our new adventures and journey!

Welcome 2016! 🙂

November Favourites! (2015)

Happy December! 😀

It is that time of the year again when we look back and remember all the crazy things we did in the past months! 🙂

December is already here and before you know it, we will be saying goodbye to 2015 and will be welcoming 2016 with huge grins! 🙂

November for me has been full of delight and entertainment! I have enjoyed each and every day of it and I am sorry to see it pass so quickly!

I have been very productive this month and have been working hard on my studies and on the new blog which I plan on starting before the New Year or maybe on New Year, I do not know yet! I want it to be special!! 🙂

I am not an angel! Not one bit! I have been torturing my sister and my mother with lots of pranks and mischief and I am very sure that they are not afraid of the Boogeyman anymore! 😛
There is something about winter months that make me want to pull various kinds of pranks and I almost (ALMOST) feel sorry for my two lovely ladies! 😛

But I am sure you do not want me to ramble on and on about it anymore! Let’s talk about the things I loved using in November! 🙂


For my hair, I have been using John Frieda Frizz Ease Curl Reviver Mousse on damp hair and I saw that my frizzy hair was a lot more managable then! So, yeah! I loved it! Used it almost everyday! I have 3 bottles of that, I think! Maybe 4?

The next product will confirm that I am obsessed with Bath and Body Works! I think in most of my Favourites posts, I have one lotion from B&BW in it! I can’t help how wonderful they are and I am sure many of you will agree with me! So I have been using Bath & Body Works Moonlight Path body lotion and more than half of it is gone!!

I have also been loving Colorbar Full Cover Make-Up Stick Concealer which I bought earlier this month and I have loved using it! If any of would like a detailed review on this product, let me know down in the comment section! 🙂

Maybelline Cheeky Glow Blush in Peachy Sweetie is another favourite! It provided such a lovely natural hue to cheeks! Been using it a lot!! 🙂

For my eyes, I have enjoyed using Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Eyepencils in the shades Smoke and Sabbath. Super pigmented and long lasting! Did not have to worry about touch-ups!! 🙂


Throughout November, I have been applying various coloured nailpolishes and the ones that stood out most for me are:
Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy – In The Money 220
Jenna Hipp Nailpolishes in the shades Hollywood Reporter,After Party and Better Slate Than Never

The Jenna Hipp ones are chunky glitter ones in silver and rust respectively and the other one is an ashy colour with purple undertones in it while the Revlon one is an absolute favourite of mine right now. It is such a beautiful colour! I wanted to show you guys.


I wore my Maybelline Glitter Mania Nailpolish in the shade Bling on the Blue on my ring finger along with it and I think the added bonus of glitter makes it even more attractive! 🙂 It is a light green neon colour which is bright and pretty! I bought it a few days ago and have been wearing it since! 🙂

The next 2 things are stationery items. I had heard a few of friends talk about how you should be carrying sensible looking notebooks and diaries in college and not the colourful graphic ones like the ones we used back in school. I guess I didn’t grow up and mature like them! 😛 I still love using graphic notebooks and when I saw this one, I had to buy it!


I bought several of them in different colours and I love writing in them! Go Graphic Notebooks!!
I don’t know why but I love pencils which have erasers stuck on the top. I LOVE THEM!! I use them all the time and I bought another packet of them! How random of me! I can picture your expressions right now! 😀

Well that’s all folks! I hope you enjoyed this post!! Have a wonderful December! Enjoy with your loved ones!

Bake cookies and cakes and don’t worry about your weight!

Christmas and New Year is coming after all! Say Sayonara to your diet and dig in to those lovely gooey choco-chip cookies and hot chocolate!!

Have a wonderful day ahead!!
See you soon!
Bye! XO

October Favourites 2015!!

Hi everyone! 🙂

Winter is here and it’s time to take out those cozy woollens again! Winter is my favourite season because that is when I take my fashion to the next step with lovely scarves, jackets and boots! October has been such a fun month and I am so sorry it ended so soon!
It was full of festivities and colours! I enjoyed everyday of it! I hope you had a lovely October as well! 🙂

So today I am going to talk about my October favourites with you. Since it was the time for festivities, excitement and fatigue at the same time, I loved using and experimenting with a lot of body/skin care products. From a huge list, I picked out the ones which I loved using the most.

So here are my Oct Favs!


Let’s start with Marks & Spencer Moroccan Escape Bitter Orange Rejuvinating Wonder Oil! It made my skin so supple and soft! I only used a little of it but the results were amazing. It made my skin ready for each day!

Next one is a lipstick from Maybelline New York in MAT 4 (There is no other name) I love using Maybelline products! They are perfect for college girls on a budget. They have such fun and quirky colours. I love using Maybelline lipsticks the most and own quite a lot of them! 🙂 So this shade is a rich bold coral-y red and it was perfect for the festivities!


The next product is a body lotion from Bath & Body Works Signature Collection called Paris Amour. I used this everyday throughout October to moisturize my body and it delivered such lovely results! I guess you all might have guessed that I am an ardent lover of Bath & Body Works moisturizer by now! Do you guys use any?


Now for my face, I started using Nivea Soft Moisturizer before going to bed and I woke up with baby soft skin. My skin look so moisturized and hydrated. I have been using this as my night cream now and I have to purchase a bigger tub! 🙂

Apart from that, I tried on Inveda BB Cream and fell in love with it. It gave such a natural dewy look. I don’t usually go for dewy looks, I prefer matte but this cream totally changed my mind!!

Last but certainly not the least, Maybelline the Colossal liner! I can’t live without my winged eyes. I cant. I loved using this. I am still using it and I probably will repurchase it! 🙂

I hope you liked this post!!

I am going to post a Life Update soon where I am going to tell you some exciting news and a confession!! 😛

Stay tuned!!

Festive Haul!! :)

Durga Puja is an annual Hindu festival in South Asia that celebrates worship of the goddess Durga. It marks the victory of Durga over the evil buffalo demon Mahishasura. This glorious festival is going to be held from 19th October till 23rd October this year. For me (As well as for most South Asians) this is the most anticipated time of the year. I love dressing up in our traditional clothes for this festival and visit every temple and eat at the delicious food joints. If you are in India right now, you are going to witness this glorious festival at its peak. You are in for a treat!

Every year I accumulate a separate saving for my Durga Puja haul and today I am going to show you some of my favourite haul items! This festival is all about golds, reds and silvers for me so without further delay, let’s dig in!

P.S. There are no make-up items in this haul, guys!

First up, Palazzos!

I have loved wearing palazzos this summer! They are loose, comfortable and airy! They have saved me from the heat and I love their different patterns and colours. So I picked out 2 of them for the festival. I bought them from the Lifestyle store and I can’t wait to wear them!


They are cotton! (Yay! They will keep me cool!) They are maroon in colour. One of them is plain with designs at the bottom and flared a bit more than the other printed one. Sorry! It looks horrible in the picture! No worries, I am doing a look-book for my new blog where I will be wearing this and you will get to see my whole festive look.



Heels and flats! They have to be as glamourous as possible because your surround is going to be so bright and majestic! So I bought the black show with gold hand work online while the pencil heel is from Touristor and the silver mini wedge is from Inc. 5.




I love these bags! I love investing in these quirky and vibrant ones with frisky prints made on cloth. Now if you are a college student on a budget, I really recommend these bags. As you already know I don’t like investing in high end bags because no matter how good the quality is, the skin always seem to peel off. (Learnt that the hard way, folks!) I love buying these because you don’t have to worry about your wallet when shopping for these.



20151015_113206-1 20151015_113217-1

Now if you ever visit India, I can guarantee you will fall in love with the various accessory shops we have. What you will love even more are the prices and the styles. Here are a few examples. I will be doing a detailed post on this subject in my new blog so stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed this post! 19th October will soon be upon us and I can’t wait for it!!

Have a wonderful day ahead!

~Amrita! 🙂

September Favourites 2015!! :)

Hello Amigos!!

October is here! How quickly this year is passing by! 2015 just began and now it is going to be 2016 in a few more months! Earlier this month, I did a huge haul and picked up various new stuff to try out as I had decided I would be experimenting with new products. I tried out everything and I liked a lot of stuff from it.

I tried out the colour eyeshadows in different ways but sadly none of them suited me. I guess colours just don’t look good on my eyes. However, I have noticed that pop colour lipsticks go really well with my complexion, face and personality so I have been wearing a lot of them this September. Does anyone else face this problem? Problem where coloured eyeshadows don’t suit them? I guess I just have to stick with the nudes and the blacks.

So without further delay lets us dig in!

Here are my September Favourites!


  • The Body Shop Amazon Wild Lily Body Lotion: Incredible! That is the only word I can think of to describe this lotion! I am absolutely in love with its refreshing and soothing fragrance! The fragrance is a mixture of flowers, cucumbers and a hint of herbs. It is such a beautiful fragrance and I really, really recommend this to those who love such light soothing fragrances. The lotion itself is light and non-greasy and gets absorbed in a jiffy!
  • Up and Up Acne Wash with Pink Grapefruit: I really saw a difference in my skin after using this for a week or so. It was due to the presence of Salicylic Acid that the break-outs on my skin were kept under control and it did a good job in pulling out the daily dirt and grime from the skin. I also loved its colour and subtle fragrance!
  • Malavara Lime Vetiver Body Wash and Body Lotion: Does this come as a surprise? I guess not! 😛 You all know how much I adore and love the citrusy smell of lime and lemons so yes this one was a big favourite!
  • Bath & Body Works Signature Collection- Carried Away: Oh La La! The creaminess… The richness… The fragrance… The quality… The quantity… I was carried away!
  • Bourjois Paris Compact Powder: I loved its super soft fine texture. It blended and glided on my skin like a dream and the applicator sponge was just so soft that it felt like holding a marshmallow in between my fingers…Only softer! It set my make-up perfectly and gave a certain warm glow. This product is irresistible!
  • Lakme Absolute Lip Tint Matte in Magenta Magic Chubby Stick: I used to steer clear from magenta colours but after using Bourjois Effect 3D MAX Long Lasting Lip Gloss 16 Prune Exquisite, I got this similar colour from lakme in a matte shade which has a hint of pink in it and OH MY GOD! This was my FAVOURITE PRODUCT for September (Still is)! I am absolutely obsessed with! I have been wearing it every single day and it is just such a bold, rich creamy colour! If you guys would like me to review this product, let me know!
  • BE A BOMBSHELL Eyeshadow in Nude: This was a really subtle nude shade which blended really beautifully and it was perfect for college wear! Love it!

Out of the big haul, I really liked a lot of those stuff but these were my favourites!

I hope you enjoyed this post!


HUGE HAUL- September 2015

Hello Everybody!

Firstly I would like to apologize for the lack of posts! 😦

The reason for my not uploading any thing is because I have been a bit busy with my studies and I was also suffering writer’s block.

So I skipped my classes today and I just went out with my sister. She wanted to take me out since I have been spending all my time in classes and I think I haven’t hung out for many months now. So she took me on a retail therapy. And boy did it work!

It is true what they say, don’t take things overboard. I think I did just that by not going out at all for at least 2 months or maybe more. Life just becomes dull and uninteresting. So yeah, if any of you have been doing nothing but work, go out guys! Take a break! Have some fun! Give your BRAIN a break! 😀

So I had a blast today! We went to the mall and it was soooo much fun! Thanks sis, you are the best!

So I did some shopping today. When I was buying stuff, I wanted to do something new. I wanted to experiment. Now when you have sensitive skin, your options are drastically reduced and you have to stick to the certain products which you know and have been using for a long time.

Today I wanted to take a risk. I told you guys in my August Favourites post that what kind of a beauty blogger does that make me if I don’t try out new things. It was a start but I am going all the way now.

So here is the haul!


So let’s dig in!



  1. TRESemme Hair Fall Control- It is an absolute favourite and I love using it!
  2. UP & UP Acne Wash with Pink Grapefruit- I have used it before and it is very effective and I love the smell of it!
  3. Malavara Lime Vetiver Body Wash- It has Lime… LIME!!!! Need I say more? 🙂
  4. Kama Ayurveda Soap Free Face Cleanser- It is a small trial pot…It has a faint smell of fennel… I really wanted to try it out!
  5.  Matrix Biolace Deep Smoothing Serum- So basically I am fishing for serums which help control frizz.
  6. John Freida Frizz Ease Curl Reviver Mousse- My aunt recommended it. So I like to keep my hair curly and a bit messy but not frizzy so I am going to try this one out.



I felt really confident about the products that I bought. Let me know if you are using any of there! 🙂

  1. Spinz Sun Tan Remover- I have heard it is really effective and I get tanned everyday, very easily so I am quite eager to try it out!
  2. Bath & Body Works Signature Collection- Carried Away intense moisture body butter- I used a bit today and Oh my goodness! The fragrance is just so lovely! I am already addicted to it!
  3. Lacto Calamine Oil Control Lotion- This one is an oldie but a goodie! I have been using this since I was 11 years old and it really helps in controlling my pimples.
  4. The Body Shop Amazon Wild Lily Body Lotion- I always pick lotions which have a light refreshing fragrance and this one stood out for me!
  5. Chambor Hydra Essential Day Moisturizer
  6. Banana Boat Kids Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50
  7. Vichy Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Serum
  8. Organic Harvest Sunscreen SPF 60- My best friend uses it and she recommended it to me. I am quite excited to use it.
  9. Cuccio Naturale Butter Papaya & Guava Lotion- This intrigued me… Especially the small tube like packaging. Looks so pretty and cute!
  10. Malavara Lime Vetiver Body Lotion- Lime again. Yes, I am obsessed with their fragrance and their goodness!


Yeah I know you all have been waiting for this one! So I am a lover of smokey eyes and nude shade eye shadows. I never buy colours because quite frankly, colours don’t look good on me. Natural make-up looks the best on my eyes. But as I said, experimenting! Gotta try new things! So I decided to give colours another chance!



  1. Cuccio Colour Nailpolish- It is a bright orange colour and the quantity is nice.
  2. Revlon Colour Stay Gel Envy 400 Royal Flush- A super cute bright hot pink! Who doesn’t love that?
  3. Inveda BB Cream SPF 20
  4. Soultree Ayurvedic Kajal
  5. Maybelline Hyper Curl Volume Express Waterproof Mascara- Oldie and a goodie! Love it!
  6. Bourjois Paris Effect 3D MAX Long Lasting Lip Gloss 16 Prune Exquisite
  7. Inglot Eyeshadow Double Sparkle- It is pink in colour and I don’t know if it will look good on me but…No harm in trying!
  8. Nivea Cocoa Cacao Lip butter
  9. Bourjois Paris Compact Powder- I cannot live without compact powders. I am going to try out various brands now.
  10. BE A BOMBSHELL Eyeshadow- Okay… Yeah, I picked up a nude shade… Ahem!
  11. Inglot Sleeks Cream Lip Paint/ Rouge- I am not going to use it as a rouge but I am going to use it on my lips. It’s a gorgeous colour and has the fragrance of Shea Butter.
  12. Wet n Wild Fergie Center Stage Collection- Colours! Can’t wait to try it out!

Yay! I enjoyed a lot today! So grateful to my sister for taking me out! So everybody out there who has been working non-stop, give yourself a break otherwise it will become so dull that you wont feel like working anymore… You wont get any motivation or energy. So get out and give yourself a break and treat yourself. Do it with your family, friends or just by yourself but give yourself some rest!

So I hope you enjoyed this post!

-Amrita!! 🙂


The Heir Of Slytherin- Chapter: 1

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the HP series nor am I making money from this fanfic.


Cold red eyes surveyed the room around himself. The room was big with broken furniture and torn, dusty curtains. Voldemort sat in the middle of the room in a low couch and stared at the fire in front of him. In his right hand, he had something silver clenched in his palm and he stroked it with his thumb and was deep in his thoughts. The only sound in the room was that of the fire cracking. He sat there waiting for Wormtail to bring him his supper. He was dressed in his usual loose black robes with Nagini by his side. Nagini’s hissing broke his thoughts and his strokes stopped as he looked down at his precious horcrux. He stood up abruptly and walked over to the fire and looked down at the silver jewellery in his palm with an impassive expression. His eyes however, held deep emotions in its depths as he looked down at the crescent moon shaped locket. Anger shook his body and he turned around and walked out of the room with Nagini following at his footsteps. Voldemort threw the front door open and walked out into the huge dark courtyard and glared at his surroundings. He could faintly hear Wormtail calling him but he didn’t heed at it and briskly walked out of the main gates and into the streets. After walkng for quarter of an hour, Voldemort stood in front of a tall, ominous looking black gate, studying it for a few moments. His long, pointed bony fingers slowly undid the chains that secured the gate and he walked in. The place was a dark cemetery and the snow had almost engulfed all the engraved stones. Voldemort walked through the snow, surveying every stone and then stopped in front of one and stared down at it, his eyes betraying many emotions; love, anger, regret, sorrow and guilt.

Claire de Rosé Noire
May 31st 1927 – December 31st 1944
Beloved daughter, sister and friend.

The cold sharp wind pierced his skin as he looked down at the ground where she was buried. He could still see her smile, her big innocent eyes and her childlike mischievous demeanour. Her laughter and cries still rang in his ears, loud and painful. Voldemort closed his eyes and breathed in the chilly air. Just as he opened them, it was like he entered a pensive and he looked at her once again. Her memories still fresh in his mind.


“Claire! Hold up! You are running too fast!” Young Yvonne de Rosé Noire cried as she ran after her big sister. Platform 9 3/4 was packed with parents and students like every year. Claire de Rosé Noire stopped and turned around, annoyed. “Hurry up, Yvonne! You are so slow! We are going to miss the train.” she said. She was a very beautiful girl of 15 years with shoulder length brown wavy hair and pale skin. Her eyes were large and coated with long lashes with a perpetual mischievous glint in them.

“I am running as fast as I can, aren’t I? How can you run here? It is so crowded!” Yvonne whined.

“Ahhh… Years of practice. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” Claire said and gave her sister a huge smile. “Mum and Dad are coming…” she said craning her head and looking past the other people.
“Hold my hand or you’ll get lost. Let’s go!” she said.
Yvonne gratefully held her sister’s hand and began walking when her head hit something hard and she bounced back with a yelp. Her big eyes travelled up and met the person whom she bumped into and immediately blushed. He was gorgeous, his skin was as pale as a ghost’s and was stretched tightly over his high cheekbones. He had slightly dark, wavy hair which was parted at the side neatly while his features were wonderfully symmetrical. He was dressed in dark moss green robes which were clean and pressed. He was looking down at her with a slightly surprised expression then his eyes surveyed her.
“I’m…I’m so…s-sorry…” Yvonne stammered fidgeting with her hands and her face was deep red. His thin lips quirked upwards slightly and he gave her his dazzling smile, “That’s quite alright. You are not hurt, I hope?” he asked, his voice deep and rich and Yvonne thought that it could melt chocolates!
“No, I am not hurt.” Yvonne squealed.
“YVONNE!!” Claire’s harsh voice brought back Yvonne from her day-dreams and she turned to look at her sister walking towards them angrily.
“Did I not tell you to hold my hand? Why did you leave it? I was looking all around for you!” Claire scolded and Yvonne flushed even more, embarrassed to be scolded in front of the handsome guy.
Tom sighed, “Miss Noire, I believe it was my fault. The young lady here bumped into me and fell.” he said.
Claire turned to look at him, her eyes frosty and then turned to look at her sister again, “Bah!” she let out an unlady like exclamation. “Watch where you go Yvonne!” she said and started to drag her sister away, “Thanks, Tom.” she called out and walked away with her sister.
Tom watched the two girls leave, his eyes cold and expressionless. He picked up his book bag, turned and climbed into the train.

Yvonne sat beside her sister inside the now moving Hogwarts’s Express, Gryffindor section. Claire was busy talking to her friends and they were laughing a lot.
“Claire?” Yvonne pulled on her sister’s sleeve.
“Yeah?” Claire answered and gave her sister her usual happy smile.
“Who was the guy we met on the station?” Yvonne asked, her voice almost like a sweet whisper.
“That, my dear, was Tom Riddle. He is the Slytherin prefect so you better watch out. He is very strict and not easy to push-over. Don’t let him catch you breaking rules!” Claire said.
“Are all Slytherin strict and mean?” Yvonne asked.
“Mostly, yes.” Claire said and turned to look at the card which she just got from inside a chocolate frog’s box. “Ooo Dumbledore!” she whispered to herself looking at the card then tossed it away in her bag.
“What if I end up in Slytherin today?” Yvonne asked, her eyes radiating fear.
Claire laughed, “You most likely will end up in Hufflepuff!” she said.
“Are they good?” Yvonne asked.
“Yes, they are. I have told you so, millions of times.” Claire sighed.
“Does Tom have a girlfriend?” Yvonne asked.
“Whoa-Ho-Hooo!” Claire cried wide eyed and grinned at her sister, “Now where is this coming from?” she asked laughing, “Don’t tell me you fell in love at first sight with Tom!”
“Well, he sure is handsome!” Yvonne said.
“So are many other boys in the school.” Claire said fishing through the many candies which were sprawled all over her lap.
“You don’t like him?” Yvonne asked, frowning.
Claire’s actions stopped and she looked at her sister, her eyes serious, “Yvonne…Tom Riddle…Well to be honest, it is not that I don’t like him. It is just that… I think there is something wrong with him.” she said.
“Wrong, how?” Yvonne asked.
“I don’t know…It is just a feeling.” Claire said and returned to her candies, “Want a peppermint pot?” she asked and handed her sister some which she took.
“He seemed very nice and kind…” Yvonne said.
“Looks can be deceiving…” Claire said and looked outside the window, and watched the birds flying by.

Dumbledore was busy calling put names of the new students and placing the Sorting Hat on their heads. The first years were standing in a line in front of him, pale and anxious.

“Miss Joan Ashcroft.” Dumbledore called.
A pretty girl with curly ginger hair and freckles walked up the stairs and sat on a low stool and the hat was placed on her head.

“RAVENCLAW!” The hat yelled out after a moment.

Everyone clapped and the girl jumped out of the seat and ran towards her new house where she was heartily welcomed.

“Miss Yvonne de Rosé Noire.” Dumbledore called.

Claire immediately crained her neck and watched her sister ascend the stairs and sit down on the stool.

” Let’s have some fun, shall we?” the hat said and smiled, “SLYTHERIN!!” it yelled.
Both Claire and Yvonne froze in their seats. After a couple of seconds, Yvonne got up and slowly walked towards the Slytherin table her horrified eyes locked with her sister’s equally horrified ones.
Yvonne sat quietly along with some freshly recruited Slytherin girls, her face pale.
Claire’s eyes were constantly on her sister’s and she hardly touched the magnificent feast. It was clear Yvonne was scared as she hardly touched her food.
After a few minutes, Yvonne looked around the table and studied her new house-mates. Her eyes fell on Tom who was busy eating and talking to his friends. His eyes however turned to gaze straight ahead at someone, sometimes. Yvonne followed his gaze and saw him staring at Claire.
Claire on the other hand, hardly looked at Tom. Her eyes were cast down at her plate, her face grim and her smile wiped clean from her face.


Hi guys, how do you like the first chapter? Let me know! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Remember, comments make an author even more motivated so leave your reviews down below!

Next chapter next week!

~ Amrita!